
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It’s not all about Money, Honey!

When I was in my tiny frame, my mom told me Happiness is the key to life. Infact she chose the name for me that meant happiness. Then one day my teacher at school, asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up… and I wrote down ‘HAPPY’ and she said I didn’t understand the assignment and told her she didn’t understand life!

What’s your opinion when people say, Money can buy everything…money can buy happiness? Personally I don’t agree with this statement completely. Yes, of course, money is important (that’s the reason why we all work.. end of the day money is what matters), but money alone can’t get us happiness.

What if we have million n trillions of rupees but don’t have any place to spend it at like no shopping malls or markets or even clothes, bags and shoes to buy. Or imagine being the only human on earth and don’t have anyone to show-off to. Would you feel contended and happy with bags full of these green notes and no one to share this happiness with? No mom and  dad to buy gifts for on their anniversary or father’s & mother’s day…no brother or sister to shower gifts on their birthdays for that special glow in their eyes that’s so precious. Or no husband/ wife for whom you would want to buy everything in this world or go out on a vacation with! No home, with your loved ones, that you can decorate in your style and no dreams to fulfill!... being super rich sounds meaningless without these precious and irreplaceable things that form life.

It’s not all about money, honey… it’s about each of these dreams and assets (called family & friends) with whom your happiness is linked with. You need people and home to spend this money on!
I love gifting,  I love sharing, I love the smiles on my loved one’s faces… I can live with manageable amount of money but not without my dreams, my people and all the things mentioned above!

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