
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Look beyond !!!

Look Beyond the usual !!!

I know it’s been a  few days since the country of great inventions- Japan has been experiencing its greatest hardship as it tackles the aftermath of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis… but lately a question came in my mind..

What could you be doing, when you see an earthquake or tsunami happening before your eyes?...............

Could you be arguing with your partner on some petty issue? Could you be wondering about what to wear to the party in the evening? Could you be gossiping about somebody in the office, or the upcoming promotions? Could you be cursing your maid for bunking that day? Could you be watching cricket or a football match?? ME… I guess I would be watching TV and cooking..Really!! And I was doing just that when it hit Japan on March 11th !

Why not check ourselves!!!... do we see ourselves spending too much time pondering over petty issues or arguing over some irrelevant past matters or fighting over things or people that are not that important to us?? End of the day, the question arises ..Is this all essential at all? Is all this tougue biting necessary? Can’t we live our present life happily, since we are unaware about our future.

Most of we girls end up only watching movies and dramas etc .. Most of the stories are made around the topics of love, relationships, family, office, the J factor, misunderstanding etc to make some addictive series which a lot of women get hooked to. I wont deny, am in the same race… these programmes in  a way are made for self awareness too and I won’t be surprised if you say that you see your real life portrayed in your favourite show.. :D

I wonder if the adding years to our age going to make us wiser and bring us more in senses. Will  we become mellower, the older we get? We will feel that we should not be too particular about faltu ka issues? Will we be more forgiving and feel that past is something not to hold on to? Will we be able to guage ourselves and save ourselves from the wrongs so we avoid regretting later in life? Will we … ??? Will we ….???

With all these thoughts, I believe instead of turning into tough nuts in our old age, we should spend more time in meaningful things like helping the needy and poor, dedicating time towards God, do things to make your family live happily, spread positive energy to everyone around you, be a motivator to people, be a guiding force for someone you see is going wrong, be someone who everyone would remember making a difference in their life because they have crossed path with you!

Not necessarily you have to agree with me, but do you???

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